Your donations play a crucial role in strengthening our community by funding essential programs and services
that address local needs. Every contribution helps provide critical resources, support health initiatives, and
improve the quality of life for individuals and families. By donating, you are directly investing in the well-being of
our community, enabling us to tackle challenges, foster growth, and create lasting positive change. Your
generosity ensures that we can continue to offer valuable support and make a meaningful impact where it is
needed most.
You can give a gift by cash, credit, or check by visiting our donation page online, calling our office, or mailing your contribution to 615 N. Michigan St., South Bend, IN
46601. Every donation helps us provide essential healthcare services to those in need.
Cash gifts are fully deductible up to 60 percent of the donor’s AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) in
any one year. Make checks payable to Beacon Health
Foundation and note the name of the cause you are donating to in the memo line.
Donating through a donor-advised fund (DAF) is simple, and you receive an immediate tax deduction. Just log into your DAF account or call your DAF sponsor, select Beacon Health Foundation, and choose the amount you want to give. You can also create a legacy after your lifetime by naming Beacon Health Foundation as a beneficiary of all or a percentage of the account.
Our Tax ID is: 35-1536129
Your donation will help us continue our important healthcare work.
The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor to determine what is best for your personal circumstances.
Donating through your traditional IRA is easy and tax-friendly. If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can donate up to $105,000 directly from your IRA to our nonprofit without having to pay income taxes on the money.
Simply contact your IRA administrator, tell them you want to make a charitable contribution to our nonprofit, and choose the amount. Additionally, you can name our nonprofit as a beneficiary of your IRA to support our mission in the future. Your gift will help us provide vital healthcare
Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds is a simple and tax-efficient way to support our nonprofit. You can avoid paying capital gains taxes by transferring these assets directly to us. Contact your financial advisor to make a gift of securities, and help us continue providing vital healthcare services.