Grayson Briones

Thirteen-year-old Grayson Briones is a warrior in every sense of the word. Even as he battled cancer, he refused to let it take away the things he loved most. During 12 grueling weeks of chemotherapy, while his body fought exhaustion and nausea, he still laced up his skates for hockey, took the field for football, and tackled every school assignment with unwavering determination. Not only did he keep up with his studies—he earned straight As.

His parents, Erica and Doug Briones, first knew something was wrong when the swelling in Grayson’s lymph nodes wouldn’t go away. The long and frustrating search for answers led to extensive allergy testing, but nothing explained his symptoms. Then came the news no parent is prepared to hear. After surgery to remove the swollen nodes, the biopsies confirmed it—Grayson had Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that attacks the lymphatic system.


Their world shifted in an instant. Fear and uncertainty took hold, but through it all, they found comfort in knowing Grayson was in the best hands at Beacon Children’s Hospital. “The people were great. The doctors, the nurses, the techs, the coordinators, the front desk people … they all care,” said Doug. “Beacon treated us very well.” The hospital became their home away from home—a place where every procedure was met with compassion and every milestone was celebrated with hope.


Now, more than a year past his last treatment, Grayson is thriving. The fierce athlete, who once faced an opponent unlike any other, is back to doing what he loves—playing lacrosse, football, skiing, and conquering video games. He’s also stepping into a new adventure: experiencing the thrill of being a Junior Irish Reporter for Notre Dame Men’s Basketball. With a natural curiosity and love for sports, Grayson took on the role with enthusiasm, asking insightful questions and getting a behind-the-scenes look at his favorite team. The opportunity has fueled his passion for the game in a whole new way, giving him memories he’ll cherish forever.


“He just had scans and tests done, and it all came back good,” said Doug. “He did so well through it all. I’m just grateful.”


Grayson’s story is one of resilience, determination, and hope. It’s a testament to the incredible care at Beacon Children’s Hospital and the unbreakable spirit of a young boy who refused to let cancer define him. But for every child like Grayson, there are others still fighting. You can be part of their story. Learn how you can support kids like Grayson at Beacon Children’s Hospital—because together, we can bring hope, healing, and brighter futures.