Gabe Rodriguez

At first glance, Gabe Rodriguez is just like any other 11-year-old boy—full of energy, laughter, and a love for sports. He spends his days playing video games, cheering on his favorite teams with his dad, and dashing across the field in flag football games. But behind his bright smile is a story of resilience and strength—a battle he fought before he was even old enough to understand what it meant to be sick.

Gabe was only 22 months old when a simple bruise led his parents to Memorial Hospital, setting off a chain of events that would change their lives forever. In just two hours, their world crumbled around them. The diagnosis was acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The words alone were terrifying, but the reality of what lay ahead was even more daunting.

“The doctors told us he would beat it, but it was going to be a long, hard road,” remembers his mother, Katie. A road filled with fear, sleepless nights, and moments no parent should have to endure—watching their baby endure painful treatments, countless needle pricks, and the overwhelming exhaustion that came with fighting for his life.

Gabe’s journey began at Riley, but soon, he was transferred to Beacon Children’s Hospital—bringing him closer to home and the comfort of loved ones. “As a family, we were so blessed to be able to do the treatment here in South Bend,” Katie shares. The hospital became more than just a place of treatment—it was a refuge, a beacon of hope where doctors and nurses became like family, where every milestone was celebrated, and where Gabe’s strength was met with unwavering support.

Against the odds, Gabe proved to be a fighter. Just six weeks into treatment, the news came—remission. It was a victory, but the battle wasn’t over. Years of treatments followed. Years of watching their son navigate childhood with bravery beyond his years. Finally, at five years old, he received his last cancer treatment. The weight of that moment was indescribable—a mixture of relief, gratitude, and the bittersweet realization of how much had been taken, yet how much had been given back.

Now, at 11, Gabe is thriving. His energy is infectious, his spirit unbreakable. And he’s using his journey to bring hope to others. Every year, he and his family organize Cleats versus Cancer, a heartfelt event that raises funds to bring joy to children fighting cancer and provides financial relief to their families. Gabe was also thrilled to take on the role of a Junior Irish Reporter for Notre Dame Men’s Basketball. His mother beamed as she watched him ask thoughtful questions, stepping into the role with confidence and charm. “He loved asking questions. He was a pro,” she says proudly.

Gabe’s story is one of heartbreak and triumph, of pain and resilience. It’s a testament to the power of love, the miracles of modern medicine, and the unwavering support of a hospital that stood by him every step of the way. Today, Gabe is not just a survivor—he’s an inspiration.

For every child like Gabe, there are countless others still fighting. You can be part of their story. You can be the reason a family finds hope in the darkest moments. Learn more about how you can support kids like Gabe at Beacon Children’s Hospital. Because together, we can make miracles happen.